348 lines
14 KiB
Executable file
348 lines
14 KiB
Executable file
* File containing timetable class.
* @package mod_timetable
* @copyright 2020 Raphael Dannecker <raphael.dannecker@steinbeisschule-reutlingen.de>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace mod_timetable;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
const FLAG_Entfall = 0b0000000000000001;
const FLAG_Betreuung = 0b0000000000000010;
const FLAG_Sondereinsatz = 0b0000000000000100;
const FLAG_Wegverlegung = 0b0000000000001000;
const FLAG_Freisetzung = 0b0000000000010000;
const FLAG_PlusVertreter = 0b0000000000100000;
const FLAG_Teilverlegung = 0b0000000001000000;
const FLAG_Hinverlegung = 0b0000000010000000;
function lesson_in_lessons($obj, $array) {
for($n=0;$n<count($array);$n++) {
if ($obj->lessonid== $array[$n]->lessonid &&
$obj->teacher == $array[$n]->teacher &&
$obj->subject == $array[$n]->subject &&
$obj->class == $array[$n]->class &&
$obj->room == $array[$n]->room) return true;
return false;
function collapse_lessons($array) {
$result = array();
foreach ($array as $lesson) {
$integrated = false;
foreach ($result as $rlesson) {
if ($rlesson->integrate($lesson)) $integrated = true;
if (!$integrated) $result[] = $lesson;
return $result;
* Class timetable
* @package mod_timetable
* @copyright 2020 Raphael Dannecker <raphael.dannecker@steinbeisschule-reutlingen.de>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class timetable {
/** @var array the data of timetable */
public $data;
//public $lessons;
//public $lessons_canceled;
* Class constructor
* @param string $type The type of the timetable [class, room, teacher]
* @param string $name Name of class or room or teacher
public function __construct($type, $name) {
$this->type = $type;
$this->name = $name;
public function clear_data() {
$this->data = array();
$this->lessons = array();
$this->lessons_canceled = array();
$this->lessons_event = array();
for ($i=1; $i<=6; $i++) {
$this->data[$i] = array();
$this->lessons[$i] = array();
$this->lessons_canceled[$i] = array();
$this->lessons_event[$i] = array();
for ($j=1; $j<=15; $j++) {
$this->lessons[$i][$j] = array();
$this->lessons_canceled[$i][$j] = array();
$this->lessons_event[$i][$j] = array();
* @param int $week The week of timetable
public function read_db($week) {
global $USER, $DB, $CFG;
$this->numdayweek = 5 + get_config('timetable', 'saturday');
$this->week = $week;
$this->monday = new \DateTime();
$this->monday->setISODate($this->monday->format("Y"), $week);
$dayofweek = $this->monday->format('w');
if ($dayofweek > $this->numdayweek) {
$this->monday->add(new \DateInterval("P".(8-$dayofweek)."D"));
} elseif ($dayofweek < 1) {
$this->monday->add(new \DateInterval("P1D"));
} else {
$this->monday->sub(new \DateInterval("P".($dayofweek-1)."D"));
$this->week = $this->monday->format("W");
$this->lastday = new \DateTime($this->monday->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:sP'));
$this->lastday->add(new \DateInterval("P".($this->numdayweek-1)."D"));
$sql = "$this->type = '$this->name' AND NOT lessonid=0 AND (mid(week, $this->week, 1) = '1')";
$result = $DB->get_records_select('timetable_lesson',$sql);
foreach ($result as $lesson) {
if (!lesson_in_lessons($lesson, $this->lessons[$lesson->day][$lesson->period]))
$this->lessons[$lesson->day][$lesson->period][] = new lesson($lesson);
$sql = "$this->type = '$this->name' AND lessonid=0 AND (mid(week, $this->week, 1) = '1')";
$result = $DB->get_records_select('timetable_lesson',$sql);
foreach ($result as $lesson) {
if (!lesson_in_lessons($lesson, $this->lessons_event[$lesson->day][$lesson->period]))
$this->lessons_event[$lesson->day][$lesson->period][] = new lesson($lesson);
$sql = "$this->type = '$this->name' and (mid(week, $this->week, 1) = 'x')";
$result = $DB->get_records_select('timetable_lesson',$sql);
foreach ($result as $lesson) {
if (!lesson_in_lessons($lesson, $this->lessons_canceled[$lesson->day][$lesson->period]))
$this->lessons_canceled[$lesson->day][$lesson->period][] = new lesson($lesson);
$day = new \DateTime($this->monday->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:sP'));
for ($i=0; $i<$this->numdayweek; $i++) {
$sql = "date = '".$day->format('Ymd')."' AND ({$this->type}a RLIKE '(^|~){$this->name}($|~)' OR {$this->type}b RLIKE '(^|~){$this->name}($|~)')";
$result = $DB->get_records_select('timetable_substitution',$sql);
foreach ($result as $substitution) {
foreach ($this->lessons[$i+1][$substitution->period] as $lesson) {
foreach ($this->lessons_canceled[$i+1][$substitution->period] as $lesson) {
foreach ($this->lessons_event[$i+1][$substitution->period] as $lesson) {
$types = array('teacher'=>'L', 'class'=>'K', 'room'=>'R');
$sql = "startdate <= '".$day->format('Ymd')."' AND enddate >= '".$day->format('Ymd')."' AND type = '{$types[$this->type]}' AND name = '{$this->name}'";
$result = $DB->get_records_select('timetable_absence',$sql);
foreach ($result as $absence) {
for ($j=$absence->startperiod; $j<=$absence->endperiod; $j++) {
foreach ($this->lessons_event[$i+1][$j] as $lesson) {
$day->add(new \DateInterval("P1D"));
for ($i=0; $i<$this->numdayweek; $i++) {
foreach($this->lessons[$i+1] as &$lessons) $lessons = collapse_lessons($lessons);
foreach($this->lessons_canceled[$i+1] as &$lessons) $lessons = collapse_lessons($lessons);
if ($this->type == 'teacher') {
if ($result = $DB->get_record("timetable_$this->type",[$this->type => $this->name])) {
$this->description = "$result->surname, $result->firstname";
} else {
if ($result = $DB->get_record("timetable_$this->type",[$this->type => $this->name])) {
$this->description = $result->description;
$sql = "day = 1 ORDER BY period asc";
$this->times = $DB->get_records_select('timetable_time',$sql);
public function get_periodmax() {
//$maxperiod = get_config('timetable', 'numperiod');
$maxperiod = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<$this->numdayweek; $i++) {
foreach($this->lessons[$i+1] as $period => $lessons)
if ($period > $maxperiod && count($lessons)) $maxperiod = $period;
foreach($this->lessons_canceled[$i+1] as $period => $lessons)
if ($period > $maxperiod && count($lessons)) $maxperiod = $period;
foreach($this->lessons_event[$i+1] as $period => $lessons)
if ($period > $maxperiod && count($lessons)) $maxperiod = $period;
return $maxperiod;
public function prepare_output() {
$resultdata = array();
$numperiod = max($this->get_periodmax(), get_config('timetable', 'numperiod'));
$numdayweek = 5 + get_config('timetable', 'saturday');
if ($numdayweek == 6) $resultdata['saturday'] = 1; else $resultdata['saturday'] = 0;
$resultdata['type'] = $this->type;
$resultdata['viewteacher'] = ($this->type == 'teacher') ? "1" : "";;
$resultdata['viewclass'] = ($this->type == 'class') ? "1" : "";;
$resultdata['viewroom'] = ($this->type == 'room') ? "1" : "";;
$resultdata['name'] = $this->name;
$resultdata['description'] = $this->description;
$resultdata['date'] = $this->monday->format('d.m') . " - " . $this->lastday->format('d.m');
$resultdata['week'] = $this->week;
$resultdata['prevweek'] = $this->week-1;
$resultdata['nextweek'] = $this->week+1;
$resultdata['id'] = \substr(\md5(\rand()), 0, 7);
$periods = array();
for ($period=0; $period<$numperiod; $period++) {
$days = array();
for ($day=0; $day<$numdayweek; $day++) {
$days[$day] = array();
$days[$day]['substitutionold'] = "";
$days[$day]['lessons'] = array();
foreach ($this->lessons_event[$day+1][$period+1] as $lesson) {
$mylesson = array();
$mylesson['class'] = $lesson->class;
$mylesson['teacher'] = $lesson->teacher;
$mylesson['room'] = $lesson->room;
$mylesson['subject'] = $lesson->subject;
$mylesson['classa'] = $lesson->classa;
$mylesson['teachera'] = $lesson->teachera;
$mylesson['rooma'] = $lesson->rooma;
$mylesson['subjecta'] = $lesson->subjecta;
$mylesson['classb'] = property_exists($lesson,'classb') ? $lesson->classb : null;
$mylesson['teacherb'] = property_exists($lesson,'teacherb') ? $lesson->teacherb : null;
$mylesson['roomb'] = property_exists($lesson,'roomb') ? $lesson->roomb : null;
$mylesson['subjectb'] = property_exists($lesson,'subjectb') ? $lesson->subjectb : null;
$mylesson['subjectchanged'] = $lesson->subjectchanged;
$mylesson['teacherchanged'] = $lesson->teacherchanged;
$mylesson['classchanged'] = $lesson->classchanged;
$mylesson['roomchanged'] = $lesson->roomchanged;
$mylesson['substitution'] = $lesson->substitution;
$mylesson['cancel'] = "";
$mylesson['cancel4me'] = "";
$mylesson['event'] = $lesson->reason ? $lesson->reason : "Event";
$mylesson['status'] = "1";
$mylesson['flag'] = "1";
$mylesson['text'] = $lesson->text;
$mylesson['subtype'] = Array();
if ($lesson->type) {
for ($i=0; $i<32; $i++) {
if ($lesson->type & (1<<$i)) $mylesson['subtype'][] = $i+1;
$days[$day]['substitutionold'] .= $lesson->text;
$days[$day]['lessons'][] = $mylesson;
foreach ($this->lessons[$day+1][$period+1] as $lesson) {
$mylesson = array();
$mylesson['class'] = $lesson->class;
$mylesson['teacher'] = $lesson->teacher;
$mylesson['room'] = $lesson->room;
$mylesson['subject'] = $lesson->subject;
$mylesson['classa'] = $lesson->classa;
$mylesson['teachera'] = $lesson->teachera;
$mylesson['rooma'] = $lesson->rooma;
$mylesson['subjecta'] = $lesson->subjecta;
$mylesson['classb'] = property_exists($lesson,'classb') ? $lesson->classb : null;
$mylesson['teacherb'] = property_exists($lesson,'teacherb') ? $lesson->teacherb : null;
$mylesson['roomb'] = property_exists($lesson,'roomb') ? $lesson->roomb : null;
$mylesson['subjectb'] = property_exists($lesson,'subjectb') ? $lesson->subjectb : null;
$mylesson['substitution'] = $lesson->substitution;
$mylesson['subjectchanged'] = $lesson->subjectchanged;
$mylesson['teacherchanged'] = $lesson->teacherchanged;
$mylesson['classchanged'] = $lesson->classchanged;
$mylesson['roomchanged'] = $lesson->roomchanged;
$mylesson['cancel'] = "";
$mylesson['cancel4me'] = "";
$mylesson['event'] = "";
$mylesson['status'] = "";
$mylesson['flag'] = "";
$mylesson['text'] = $lesson->text;
$mylesson['subtype'] = Array();
if ($lesson->type) {
for ($i=0; $i<32; $i++) {
if ($lesson->type & (1<<$i)) $mylesson['subtype'][] = $i+1;
$days[$day]['substitutionold'] .= $lesson->text;
$days[$day]['lessons'][] = $mylesson;
foreach ($this->lessons_canceled[$day+1][$period+1] as $lesson) {
$mylesson = array();
$mylesson['class'] = $lesson->class;
$mylesson['teacher'] = $lesson->teacher;
$mylesson['room'] = $lesson->room;
$mylesson['subject'] = $lesson->subject;
$mylesson['classa'] = $lesson->classa;
$mylesson['teachera'] = $lesson->teachera;
$mylesson['rooma'] = $lesson->rooma;
$mylesson['subjecta'] = $lesson->subjecta;
$mylesson['classb'] = property_exists($lesson,'classb') ? $lesson->classb : null;
$mylesson['teacherb'] = property_exists($lesson,'teacherb') ? $lesson->teacherb : null;
$mylesson['roomb'] = property_exists($lesson,'roomb') ? $lesson->roomb : null;
$mylesson['subjectb'] = property_exists($lesson,'subjectb') ? $lesson->subjectb : null;
$mylesson['substitution'] = $lesson->substitution;
$mylesson['cancel'] = "1";
$mylesson['cancel4me'] = "";
if (($lesson->teacherchanged && $this->type == 'teacher') ||
($lesson->classchanged && $this->type == 'class') ||
($lesson->roomchanged && $this->type == 'room')) $mylesson['cancel4me'] = "cancel4me";
$mylesson['subjectchanged'] = $lesson->subjectchanged;
$mylesson['teacherchanged'] = $lesson->teacherchanged;
$mylesson['classchanged'] = $lesson->classchanged;
$mylesson['roomchanged'] = $lesson->roomchanged;
#if ((property_exists($lesson,'teacherb') && $this->type == 'teacher') ||
# (property_exists($lesson,'classb') && $this->type == 'class') ||
# (property_exists($lesson,'roomb') && $this->type == 'room')) $mylesson['cancel4me'] = "cancel4me";
$mylesson['event'] = "";
$mylesson['status'] = "1";
$mylesson['flag'] = "1"; // status und flag werden vertauscht (im Template bzw. extern-lib.php
$mylesson['text'] = $lesson->text;
$mylesson['subtype'] = Array();
if ($lesson->type) {
for ($i=0; $i<32; $i++) {
if ($lesson->type & (1<<$i)) $mylesson['subtype'][] = $i+1;
$days[$day]['substitutionold'] .= $lesson->text;
$days[$day]['lessons'][] = $mylesson;
$periods[$period] = array();
$periods[$period]['days'] = $days;
$periods[$period]['number'] = $period+1;
$periods[$period]['starttime'] = substr_replace($this->times[$period+1]->starttime, ":",-2,0);
$periods[$period]['endtime'] = substr_replace($this->times[$period+1]->endtime, ":",-2,0);
$resultdata['periods'] = $periods;
return $resultdata;