. /** * Plugin strings are defined here. * * @package mod_timetable * @category string * @copyright 2020 Raphael Dannecker * @license https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); $string['pluginname'] = 'Timetable'; $string['import_data'] = 'import_data'; $string['labelfnamelesson'] = 'lesson import file'; $string['descfnamelesson'] = 'Absolute path and Filename of untis export file lesson.txt'; $string['labelfnamesubst'] = 'substitution import file'; $string['descfnamesubst'] = 'Absolute path and Filename of untis export file GPU014.TXT'; $string['labelfnameteacher'] = 'teacher import file'; $string['descfnameteacher'] = 'Absolute path and Filename of untis export file teacher.txt'; $string['labelfnameroom'] = 'room import file'; $string['descfnameroom'] = 'Absolute path and Filename of untis export file room.txt'; $string['labelfnameclass'] = 'class import file'; $string['descfnameclass'] = 'Absolute path and Filename of untis export file class.txt'; $string['labelnumperiod'] = 'max period'; $string['descnumperiod'] = 'max period per day'; $string['labelsaturday'] = 'saturday'; $string['descsaturday'] = 'enabled if saturday in timetable';